The Top 25 Most Baffling UFO Sightings Reported in New York This Year

This is a repost of a great post from a great classic rock radio station I listened to growing up, WPDH. reported on a recent sighting and then did a wonderful summary of the top NUFORC reports from NY in 2023.

New York State has been a hot bed of UFO sightings ever since the NY UFO Wave in the 1980s and the famous Pine Bush sightings.

Below is from

The Top 25 Most Baffling UFO Sightings Reported in New York This Year

When residents of the Empire State spot something unexplainable in the skies, they report it to the National UFO Reporting Center. There’s been about 80 new sightings so far in 2023 that raised a few hackles.

NUFORC does investigate what people saw to determine if they actually witnessed alien activity or something else. Oftentimes, these reports turn out to be false flags. For example; someone from NYC reported seeing a strange, square-like object in the sky on July 22. They provided a photo to NUFORC, who then ruled the person saw an “advertising banner behind a private aircraft.”

However, there have been several creepy reports that couldn’t be brushed off with a logical explanation. And some of these reports had photo or video evidence attached.

Scroll through New York’s top 25 weirdest sightings of 2023.

January 2 – Albany, NY

Starting the year off with a bang! A person reported seeing an object falling from the sky around 1 in the morning. “We noticed what was first thought as a plane falling from the sky. As it got closer we noticed that there was no sound and thought it was going to crash on our car (killing us) when this cigar shaped object stopped in mid air about 2 football fields away and slowly started flying away,” they claimed.

Although the object zipped away “in a matter of seconds,” it apparently deeply affected the person, who said they “felt so off… I couldn’t even to work for around 4 days.”

January 25 - Sloan, NY
January 25 – Sloan, NY

Getty Images

January 25 – Sloan, NY

According to the report, a person claimed they saw multicolored objects with a haze around them that hovered in the sky all night long. Things got even weirder when they took a closer look…

“We thought they were stars but we noticed they move and change size shape and color and look like they are hovering lower to the ground. When you zoom in they spark, change shape and color.”

February 1 - Red Hook, NY
February 1 – Red Hook, NY

Mike Hewitt/Getty Images

February 1 – Red Hook, NY

A resident reported seeing a “metallic sphere” that vanished in an instant. The witness gave explicit detail of the object, saying, “There seemed to be no bottom half… I could only see the top which looked like a bubble with possibly a window.”

The object was also completely stationary.

The resident said it remained visible for 5 seconds and, “without moving it disappeared completely, taken over by the blue sky as if it was never there.”

February 6 - Poughkeepsie, NY
February 6 – Poughkeepsie, NY


February 6 – Poughkeepsie, NY

This report came from a concerned resident who also saw an object that had “an aura or haze” around it, similar to the sighting in Sloan. The object was moving over the moon and grew smaller as it reached the top.

“There was nothing above the moon, no clouds, no aircraft, after it disappeared. No lights, just a black mass.”

February 13 - Beacon, NY
February 13 – Beacon, NY


February 13 – Beacon, NY

This report says it all:

“I don’t know what that was but I’m scared.”

The witness, alongside their brother-in-law and friend claimed to have seen lights spinning in the sky around 8 p.m. ET. The object was described as being “a triangle with a circle of lights under it” that “took off so fast” into the night sky.

The reporter was sure to add everyone at the time was sober and that the vision left everyone with a terrible feeling.

February 14 - Saugerties and Gardiner, NY
February 14 – Saugerties and Gardiner, NY

Joe Raedle/Newsmakers

February 14 – Saugerties and Gardiner, NY

Two reports came in on Valentine’s Day 2023 that happened roughly 30 miles apart.

The first report came from a person driving through Saugerties with their 11-year-old son around 5:40 p.m. ET. They reportedly saw an object that fell from the sky, leaving “a perfectly straight column of white smoke or vapor.” The witness, identified as a 61-year-old psychotherapist, added the object wasn’t “falling quickly, or in an arc, like a meteorite.” After losing sight of it, the object vanished.

“We did see the empty sky where it should’ve been. A bright star or planet appeared there.”

A second report came in about an hour later from Gardiner, but the witness and their husband observed something very different.

The two claimed they saw “a string of evenly spaced lights, like Japanese lanterns, traveling in a stream across the northern sky, west to east.” The witness said the objects looked like they were being “pulled along by a string” before they faded and disappeared.

February 24 - North Salem, NY
February 24 – North Salem, NY

Photo via UFO Stalker Video

February 24 – North Salem, NY

This report came from someone who was using binoculars around 8 at night. They saw “bright white rings of light moving erratically in the sky over the mountains.”

The person added they saw rings of orange light, as well as rays of white, orange and red lights “shooting up” from the object.

March 26 - Norwich, NY
March 26 – Norwich, NY


March 26 – Norwich, NY

The incident happened around 7:45 p.m. ET, according to this report. A resident claimed they saw a “fast moving non blinking light through the trees to the west that was changing direction quickly.” The object made “right angle turns and at one point was going in a circle.”

In all, the event lasted three minutes.

It should be noted two reports from Buffalo, NY, also came in that night about there being spikes in magnetometers, which are tools used to measure magnetic forces.

April 18 - Cairo, NY
April 18 – Cairo, NY

Keystone/Getty Images

April 18 – Cairo, NY

A person reported seeing a stationary diamond-shaped craft around 9:10 at night. They claimed the airborne object had a “starburst-twinkle like pattern” of red, white and blue colors. They say it hovered in the sky for five to 8 minutes before it “just disappeared.”

May 6 - West Seneca, Hamburg & Centerport, NY
May 6 – West Seneca, Hamburg & Centerport, NY


May 6 – West Seneca, Hamburg & Centerport, NY

These sightings happened over 415 miles apart! The Upstate NY locations of West Seneca and Hamburg are 14 miles apart, and the two reports documented 4 orb-like objects traveling in a straight line that were spaced evenly apart and traveling the same speed.

While some people might think these observers saw Starlink, these objects apparently didn’t act the same as the infamous satellite internet constellation operated by SpaceX.

Both reports claimed the light at the top of the formation would disappear and a new light would appear at the bottom the line. They both added the sightings lasted for about a minute.

That same event happened 400 miles away in Centerport, but the witnesses there only saw two orbs soundlessly floating in the sky.

“One disappeared, then the other was gone.”

May 11 - Coxsackie, NY
May 11 – Coxsackie, NY

Alleged UAP/UFO sighting in Coxsackie, NY, on May 11, 2023. Courtesy of NUFORC

May 11 – Coxsackie, NY

A person reported seeing a stationary, bright light in the sky at around 10:37 at night. They grabbed binoculars and reported they could make out details of a circle-like craft. The top and bottom reportedly had brighter lights while the middle of the craft was wrapped in smaller lights.

After about 15 minutes, it “took off towards Greenville, NY heading west,” but not before the witnessed captured it on camera.

May 12 - Buffalo, NY
May 12 – Buffalo, NY

lleged UFO/UAP sighting in Buffalo, NY, on May 12, 2023. Courtesy of NUFORC

May 12 – Buffalo, NY

A resident reported seeing a similar round and bright object like the Coxsackie sighting from the previous night. This one, however, was a fast-traveling object and bright red.

The resident, who was with their fiancé, claimed the craft stayed in the sky for about a minute before disappeared “out of nowhere.” They captured this photo before the object vanished.

May 22 - Buffalo, NY
May 22 – Buffalo, NY

Alleged UFO/UAP sighting in Buffalo, NY, on May 22, 2023. Courtesy of NUFORC.

May 22 – Buffalo, NY

This report claimed two ship or plane-like objects were seen traveling at “unbelievable speeds” at 9:59 at night. The event lasted about 15 seconds before the crafts “disappeared in an instant” after the witness snapped this photo.

May 27 - Washingtonville and Callicoon, NY
May 27 – Washingtonville and Callicoon, NY

Getty Images/iStockphoto

May 27 – Washingtonville and Callicoon, NY

Two sightings of a fast-moving object happened roughly 70 miles apart at around 9:30 at night.

A Washingtonville resident claimed they saw an object around 9:20 at night, which had an aura or haze around it, and was traveling five-times the speed of a jet aircraft. They said the craft was cylindrical in shape and had no tail or flashing lights.

They also said they witnessed a different aircraft “chasing the object.”

25 minutes later, in Callicoon, a resident claimed they and their three friends saw a similar object as they chilled in a hot tub. They first thought the object was a fireball, but it “never dimmed… Its brightness remained consistent during its entire trip over us.”

The reporter added the object was “much faster and brighter” than any satellite or ISS fly-over they’ve ever seen, leading them to believe they either saw a UFO or “a military craft with technology far more advanced than any jet-fighter I’ve ever seen.”

June 6 - Williamson, NY
June 6 – Williamson, NY

Alleged UFO/UAP sighting in Williamson, NY, on June 6, 2023. Courtesy of NUFORC.

June 6 – Williamson, NY

A person reported seeing a flying object that changed its shape and “moved like a jellyfish” around 10:30 at night. “Object began changing direction quickly, went very fast and stopped on a dime. Could observe lights that did not seem to be blinking but could see red, blue.”

The person added they’re a stargazer and “never seen anything like this before.” So, they snapped this photo, hoping to get an explanation.

June 7 - Williamson, NY
June 7 – Williamson, NY


June 7 – Williamson, NY

The following night, the SAME resident reported seeing “at least a dozen, dim crafts in the sky.” But the sighting gets even crazier.

“They were chasing each other and firing at each other.”

The reporter claimed, “It started out with the same brighter one from the previous nights sighting. I started to notice more of them, following each other. Noticed a faint red that looked identical to something being shot out of a ship. Observed at least 5 of them, right after another, swoop down into the middle of a cloud formation… The objects were moving side to side, in circles, zipping around and the cloud formation seemed to mimic what they were doing.”

Unfortunately, they didn’t get any of it on film.

June 13 - Brooklyn, NY
June 13 – Brooklyn, NY

Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

June 13 – Brooklyn, NY

A person reported seeing a “Freely rotating tic-tac shaped metallic, reflective object that suddenly disappeared.”

They added they live on the 12th floor of their apartment building and believed the object was moving “100s of miles per hour.”

For reference, a Navy fighter pilot famously reported seeing a “Tic Tac-looking object” in 2004. The video purportedly showing the craft was declassified, but it was never investigated or explained by officials.

July 12 - South Onondaga, NY
July 12 – South Onondaga, NY


July 12 – South Onondaga, NY

A person driving back to Utica reported they and their travel group saw 3 bright lights traveling diagonally in the sky around 10 at night. The first two orbs then vanished while the third “got bigger and brighter, and started to come down lower.”

The group parked their car to watch because they “couldn’t take their eyes off it.” The activity lasted for about 7 minutes before one of the passengers became nervous and “told me to drive away because [the object’ seemed to be descending.”

July 17 - Brooklyn, NY
July 17 – Brooklyn, NY

Alleged UFO/UAP sighting in Brooklyn, NY. Courtesy of NUFORC

July 17 – Brooklyn, NY

A person claimed they saw a “bright” object emitting beams in the sky around 9 at night. The witness was with their neighbor at the time.

“As it got closer, we realized it was not a plane, helicopter or jet. Just fast moving bright object. Hard to get a decent picture,” they said, but managed to capture these two photos.

7/22 - Huntington, NY
7/22 – Huntington, NY

Alleged UFO/UAP sighting in Huntington, NY, on 7/22/23. Courtesy of NUFORC

7/22 – Huntington, NY

Something peculiar happened in the starless, cloudy night in Huntington. A person reported seeing a “silent object with hundreds of bright lights” hovering over their house.

The stationary object stayed in place for hours and “had 2 main big lights surrounded by hundreds of beautiful bright lights” Above is just one of the photos the witness took.

The term UFO, itself, could simply mean something else though. Many so-called sightings over the years have been revealed as military test craft, communication satellites, or even just a bright star in the night sky.

But even the United States military is recognizing the issue now, in an effort to address “potential national security questions,” They’ve even went so far as to rename them ‘Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena’, according to CNBC. 

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