is the moon artificial?

Is the Moon Artificial? The moon, Earth’s faithful companion, has captivated human imagination for centuries. Its gentle glow and enigmatic presence have inspired countless myths, legends, and scientific inquiries. While the prevailing scientific consensus asserts that the moon is a natural satellite formed from the remnants of a giant impact between Earth and a Mars-sized […]

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Unraveling the Mystery: Did a UFO Sheriff Val Johnson off the road?

Unraveling the Mystery: Did a UFO Sheriff Val Johnson off the road? In the annals of UFO encounters, one incident stands out as both perplexing and chillingly credible: the 1979 Minnesota UFO encounter involving Deputy Sheriff Val Johnson. This intriguing event, shrouded in mystery and speculation, continues to captivate the imaginations of UFO enthusiasts and […]

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Binary Code Telepathically Imparted to Soldier in Rendlesham Forest

Binary Code Telepathically Imparted to Soldier in Rendlesham Forest The Rendlesham Forest incident is one of the most famous UFO events in history, occurring in December 1980 near RAF Woodbridge, a British military base in Suffolk, England. Here’s a summary: On December 26, 1980, United States Air Force personnel stationed at RAF Woodbridge, including Deputy […]

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Operation Paperclip and 1947 the year of the flying saucer

Operation Paperclip and 1947, the year of the flying saucer Tonight we explore the connection between Operation Paperclip and the year of the flying saucer, 1947. In the aftermath of World War II, the United States initiated Operation Paperclip, a covert program aimed at recruiting German scientists, engineers, and technicians, including those with questionable backgrounds, […]

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