Are Aliens being held by the US Government?

Are Aliens being held by the US Government?

Roswell Incident: One of the most famous alleged encounters with alien bodies is the Roswell UFO incident of 1947. According to some accounts, a UFO crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, and the US military recovered debris and alien bodies from the crash site. The US government initially announced the recovery of a “flying disc” but later retracted the statement, fueling conspiracy theories.

In a piece entitled, Six Things Witnesses Say about Roswell, by the Travel Channel, the following is stated:

Sgt. Melvin Brown was on-site during the mission to recover the debris from the crash site. He was told not to look under a tarp, but his curiosity got the best of him. When he peeked, he claimed he saw two alien bodies. The government has always denied his claims, but Brown is far from the only person to say they saw extraterrestrial beings recovered from Roswell.

Area 51 a highly classified US Air Force facility in Nevada, has long been a subject of speculation. Some conspiracy theories suggest that the government is storing and studying alien bodies, along with advanced extraterrestrial technology, at this location.

There have been lots of stories circling Area 51 and the possibilities of alien bodies and the study of alien biology, including an alleged video of an alien autopsy.

The Majestic 12 (MJ-12) is a supposed secret committee established by President Harry Truman in 1947 to oversee and manage extraterrestrial-related matters. Some theories claim that MJ-12 is responsible for concealing evidence of alien bodies and UFO encounters.

Whistleblower Testimonies: Over the years, various individuals claiming to be former government employees or military personnel have come forward with alleged insider information about extraterrestrial encounters, including the recovery of alien bodies. These testimonies are often circulated as evidence, though their credibility is highly disputed.

As recently reported by NPR about recent whistleblowers:

Three military veterans testified in Congress’ highly anticipated hearing on UFOs Wednesday, including a former Air Force intelligence officer who claimed the U.S. government has operated a secret “multi-decade” reverse engineering program of recovered vessels. He also said the U.S. has recovered non-human “biologics” from alleged crash sites.       

There is a lot of controversies around all of the claims related to alien body recovery, we’ll see what the current whistleblower testimony and evidence brings us.

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