Marble Mountain Bigfoot Encounter

Marble Mountain Bigfoot Encounter

In 2001, an intriguing Bigfoot sighting took place in the Marble Mountain Wilderness area. Situated in Siskiyou County, California, the Marble Mountain Wilderness is renowned for its rugged terrain, dense forests, and diverse wildlife.

A youth group led by Jim Mills encountered a potential nesting site as well as a silhouette coming down the mountain.

According to

A video taken by Jim Mills in 2001 is the most extended documented footage of what many are calling ¨Bigfoot ¨. Jim was leading a youth group, Campus Life, on an annual backpacking trip in the Marble Mountains in northern California, when the group came across what looked like a campsite.

Jim records the area that includes a structure built out of trees, branches, and logs; in the video, Jim describes it as looking as if something just snapped the tree branches in half and did not use any modern-day technology or even something as basic as an ax. The structure looks like a place for shelter.

They also notice claw marks on the trees in the area, and one could argue it could be a bear. After the group has surveyed the campsite, someone looks up on the ridge of the mountain, and they see what looks like Bigfoot, an enormous human with long arms and a strange gait walking down the crest of the hill, and he sees them too.

At intervals throughout the video, he stops and looks down on his campsite; then he continues walking; there is one point where he is in between two trees, and it appears that whatever is walking is now pacing back and forth, jumping up and down the group states ¨he is shaking his fist at us, he is screaming at us, he is furious¨.

Another group member says ¨that does not look like a person¨and Jim Mills agrees, stating ¨that it is not a person¨. One of the group members states his hands are at least down to his knees. Jim has managed to record the entire footage, which lasts for 7 minutes; it is not modern-day footage, so many may claim it is unclear or made up and ¨how can you see anything¨.

Here’s a link to the whole footage:  Marble Mountain

While the “nest” portion of the video is intriguing, the “Bigfoot” coming down the mountain looks very much like a hiker with a backpack descending the ridge.  The commentary that you often see listed about it being aggressive, was obviously the leader teasing the kids.

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