The Levelland UFo Encounter: The inspiration for Close Encounters of the third kind

The Levelland UFO Encounter: The inspiration for Close Encounters of the Third Kind

The Levelland UFO encounter is an intriguing incident that took place in 1957, capturing the attention of both the public and the ufology community. It occurred in the small town of Levelland, Texas, during the evening of November 2nd and the early morning of November 3rd. Numerous witnesses reported sightings of unidentified flying objects and experienced unexplained electrical malfunctions in their vehicles.

The events began around 10:30 p.m. when Pedro Saucedo, a local farmer, observed a strange object hovering above the road ahead of him. Saucedo’s truck suddenly stalled, and he witnessed the object emitting a blinding blue light before it moved away and disappeared. Distressed, he contacted the Levelland police department to report his encounter.

Shortly after, James Long, another Levelland resident, reported a similar incident. Long was driving when he encountered an egg-shaped object blocking the road, emitting a bluish glow. As he approached, his vehicle’s engine died, and the object quickly took off into the sky. Like Saucedo, Long contacted the police to share his experience.

Throughout the night, more witnesses came forward with similar accounts. Some reported seeing glowing, egg-shaped or cigar-shaped objects in the sky, while others described their vehicles malfunctioning when the UFOs were nearby. Witnesses reported various electrical problems, including engines stalling, headlights and radios failing, and magnetic compasses going haywire.

A married couple, O.V. and James “Jimmy” Lankford, encountered one of the most intense incidents of the night. They described a large, brightly lit object that approached their truck and caused it to shut down. The object hovered a mere 200 feet away, emitting intense heat and blinding light. The Lankfords later reported experiencing physical discomfort, such as a burning sensation on their faces, while observing the object. When the UFO finally departed, their vehicle was able to restart.

By the early morning hours of November 3rd, the sightings and encounters seemed to have ceased. Local law enforcement officers, including Sheriff Weir Clem, Deputy A.J. Fowler, and Texas State Trooper Lee Hargrove, conducted investigations, interviewing witnesses and examining the affected vehicles. However, no concrete evidence or explanation for the events could be found. The witnesses’ accounts remained consistent and genuine, adding credibility to their claims.

News of the Levelland UFO encounter spread rapidly, attracting the attention of ufologists and researchers. The incident was investigated by the Air Force’s Project Blue Book, which aimed to analyze and explain UFO sightings. However, their report concluded that the events were likely caused by atmospheric phenomena, such as electrical storms, rather than extraterrestrial activity.

Despite the official explanation, the Levelland UFO encounter remains a puzzling event in UFO history. The number of witnesses, the consistency of their stories, and the corroborating evidence of vehicle malfunctions make it a compelling case for those interested in unidentified flying objects and the possibility of extraterrestrial life. The incident continues to be discussed and analyzed, adding to the rich tapestry of UFO encounters throughout history.

These events inspired the screen writers of Close Encounters of the Third Kind when writing the initial scenes of the main character in his truck at the railroad crossing.

Other UFO Sightings and Encounters in Texas

  1. Aurora, Texas UFO Incident (1897): This is one of the earliest reported UFO incidents in the United States. According to local legend, a UFO crashed in the small town of Aurora, and the pilot, presumed to be an extraterrestrial, was buried in the local cemetery.
  2. Lubbock Lights (1951): In August 1951, residents of Lubbock reported seeing a formation of lights moving across the night sky. Witnesses described the lights as “flashing” and “bluish-green.” The incident gained widespread media attention and remains a famous UFO case.
  3. Stephenville Sightings (2008): In January 2008, several residents of Stephenville, Texas, reported witnessing a large and silent object with bright lights flying at low altitudes. The sightings prompted nationwide interest and led to discussions about military involvement.
  4. Cash-Landrum Incident (1980): In December 1980, Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum, and Vickie’s grandson claimed to have encountered a large, diamond-shaped object emitting flames and intense heat near Dayton. The witnesses reported physical symptoms following the incident, and their case gained significant attention.
  5. Midland UFO Sightings (2008): In January 2008, residents of Midland reported multiple UFO sightings. Witnesses observed bright lights in the sky, with some describing triangular or V-shaped objects. The sightings generated local news coverage and sparked discussions among the community.
  6. Del Rio UFO Incident (1955): In August 1955, a pilot named John Whitted reported a close encounter with a cigar-shaped UFO near Del Rio. Whitted described the object as metallic and estimated its length to be around 100 feet.
  7. Fort Hood UFO Sightings (2020): In April 2020, several videos surfaced online showing unidentified flying objects over the Fort Hood military base. The videos captured triangular or pyramid-shaped objects with blinking lights. The sightings sparked speculation and discussion online.
  8. Lake Worth Monster (1969): While not a traditional UFO sighting, the Lake Worth Monster is worth mentioning. In July 1969, numerous reports emerged of a strange creature resembling Bigfoot or a goat-man near Lake Worth. Some witnesses claimed the creature threw car tires, creating a connection to UFO sightings reported around the same time.

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