the Japan Cargo Air Lines Flight 1628 Encounter

To my way of thinking, there is every bit as much evidence for the
existence of UFOs as there is for the existence of God. Probably far
more. At least in the case of UFOs there have been countless taped
and filmed and, by the way, unexplained sightings from all over the
world, along with documented radar evidence seen by experienced
military and civilian radar operators
~ George Carlin

The Japan Cargo Airlines Flight 1628 UFO encounter

The UFO Japan Cargo Airlines Flight 1628 incident occurred on November 17, 1986. The flight was a cargo flight that originated in Paris, France, and was en route to Narita International Airport in Tokyo, Japan, with a stopover in Anchorage, Alaska. The crew consisted of Captain Kenju Terauchi, First Officer Takanori Tamefuji, and flight engineer Yoshio Tsukuba.

At around 5:09 pm local time, while flying over Alaska, the crew witnessed a series of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) that appeared to be following their plane. According to the crew, the UFOs were disc-shaped and had a metallic appearance. The objects were also said to be very large, with one of them estimated to be approximately twice the size of an aircraft carrier.

The crew reported the sighting to air traffic control in Anchorage, and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) also picked up some radar targets that they could not identify. The FAA then contacted the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), which dispatched two fighter jets to investigate.

The crew reported that the UFOs continued to follow their plane for more than 30 minutes, during which time they also performed various maneuvers, such as changing their position and shape. The captain also reported that at one point, the UFOs flew very close to their plane, and he was able to see windows on the objects, which he described as being similar to the windows on a Boeing 747.

The two fighter jets dispatched by NORAD were unable to locate the UFOs, but they did report seeing some unusual lights in the sky. After about 50 minutes, the UFOs disappeared, and the crew continued their flight to Tokyo, where they landed without incident.

After the incident, the FAA conducted an investigation and concluded that the crew’s report was credible. The Japanese government also conducted an investigation and released a report in 1987, which concluded that the crew’s report was likely accurate and that the incident could not be explained by any known natural phenomena or human-made objects.

The UFO Japan Cargo Airlines Flight 1628 incident remains one of the most well-documented and intriguing cases of a UFO sighting by experienced and credible aviation professionals. Despite the investigations by the FAA and the Japanese government, the incident remains unexplained, and the true nature of the objects observed by the crew remains a mystery.

Other UFO reports by airline pilots:

  1. Belgian UFO Wave: Between 1989 and 1990, there were several reported sightings of large, triangular-shaped objects in the sky over Belgium. Many of these sightings were made by airline pilots.
  2. Phoenix Lights Incident: In 1997, multiple witnesses, including pilots and air traffic controllers, reported seeing a series of strange lights in the sky over Phoenix, Arizona. The incident remains unexplained to this day.
  3. Iranian UFO Incident: In 1976, an Iranian Air Force pilot and his crew reported seeing a UFO while on a training mission. The object followed their aircraft and was visible on radar.
  4. Alaska Airlines Flight 53 Incident: In 1986, an Alaska Airlines flight crew reported seeing a UFO while flying over Alaska. The object was visible to the pilots and passengers for several minutes.
  5. Trans-Canada Air Lines Flight 810 Incident: In 1950, the crew of a Trans-Canada Air Lines flight reported seeing a UFO while flying over Manitoba, Canada. The object was described as a glowing orange sphere and was visible for several minutes.
  6. Aer Lingus Incident: In 2018, an Aer Lingus flight crew reported seeing multiple UFOs while flying over the Irish Sea. The incident was investigated by the Irish Aviation Authority.
  7. American Airlines Flight 2292 Incident: In 2021, the crew of an American Airlines flight reported seeing a long cylindrical object flying at high speeds over New Mexico. The incident is currently under investigation by the Federal Aviation Administration.
  8. TWA Flight 841 Incident: In 1979, the crew of a TWA flight reported seeing a bright, fast-moving object while flying over New Mexico. The incident was investigated by the Federal Aviation Administration.
  9. United Airlines Flight 564 Incident: In 2014, the crew of a United Airlines flight reported seeing a UFO while flying over the Atlantic Ocean. The object was described as a large, white, cylindrical object and was visible for several minutes.

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